
Sequence for Friday, December 4, 2020

The classes for this and the following two Fridays are sequences with the backless yoga chair.

Sit on chair – foot work, rock the leg, neck prep, gomukasana and prep for suptapadangustasana 4 hooking the fingertips in front of the shoulder
Stand with one foot on the seat of the chair and forward bend putting hands on the seat
Uttihita Padangustasana with foot on the back of the chair against the wall
Vasistasana on the seat of the chair
Trikonasana with the front foot on the bottom of the seat of the chair
Virabhadrasana with the front foot on the bottom of the seat of the chair
Parsvakonasana with the front foot on the bottom of the seat of the chair
Chair shoulderstand
Chair Bharadvajasana
Savasana with calves on the seat of the chair, blanket under hips

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